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Sources of vegetation diversity, their spatial pattern at the scale of regional landscapes (case study from Køivoklátsko Biosphere Reserve)

Funded by grant of GACR

This project follows on from the completement of the long-term project ”The flora and vegetation of Křivoklátsko Biosphere Reserve” (since 1983), and the further preparation of results that are to be published (flora, vegetation survey). The approaches and methods used utilize highly-specialized Geographical Information System (GIS) software and spatial environmental data. This project focuses on the interpretation, evaluation, and environmental correlation of the spatial characteristics of species, plant communities, and units of the map of potential natural vegetation (this data set representing probably the most detailed elaboration of a large area of biosphere reserve in Europe). From the methodological point of view, the contribution of this project consists in the connection of vegetation ecology with landscape ecology and geoecology.

Vegetation of brambles – an example of coenogenesis of apomictic plants

† Josef Holub with Tomáš Kučera

Funded by grant of GA Acad. Sci. C. R.

The main aims will be to collect and to classify a sufficient number of original phytosociological relevés with an exact determination of the dominant brambles (Rubus spp.), covering the area of highest biodiversity of brambles in the Czech Republic. The classification of the vegetation of brambles will be executed by both subjective (especially the deductive method) and by more objective numerical methods. The units thus classified will then be contrasted and compared with existing classifications of brambles, in particular one such undertaken in Germany. At communities accepted in the phytosociological analysis, the relation to environmental gradients and chorology will be studied. As a result, their threatened or endangered status and the invasion potential of dominant brambles will be evaluated.

Revision of localities selected for the CORINE biotopes network in the Czech Republic from a phytocoenological viewpoint

Funded by Agency for Nature and Landscape Protection of CR

During the preparation of the CORINE biotopes network of protected areas, the phytocoenological implications had been neglected. New EU legislation brought new aspects of species and habitats protection (esp. 92/43/EEC). A new network of protected areas – Natura 2000 – is based on the CORINE biotopes network. It was therefore necessary to implement the criteria for Special Areas of Conservation into the process of selection of CORINE sites. The most important criteria are habitats of Community importance (= threatened biotopes and vegetation types). The first preliminary interpretation of Natura 2000 habitats was thus prepared for the Czech Republic, with a survey of threatened plant communities. As a result, a new list of CORINE areas was submited, and later accepted by the national CORINE authorities.